Friday, September 25, 2009


Plurality more likely, wherever they go the camera follows, but here they are from argentina, Los Siquicos Literalenos: jamming in the studio as if at home.



Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Peter Wiessenthaner

We invited Peter Wiesenthaner to work a few days in the Studio and make a bit of sound design for a Radioplay project that is probably gonna be finished & broadcasted next january. After producing some very beautiful sounds and talking about wintersport Peter found time to relax and befriend the two WORM-studio slaves, Henk & Lukas. here they are, looking very relaxed. (again). Some sound will be posted later.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Into The Cool season (again)

September 14 till 20: Jesse O (Sullivan) in the studio. Taking half our gear for a ride. Here 's a fresh tune he's working on with the audio solutions concussor as the central piece. Three movies here: "at least the midi works"; "fresh tune" and "till Live crashes"
Jesse's Performing at the Incubate Fest in Tilburg later this week.


