Wednesday, June 30, 2010


At work this week is Philippe Aubin-Dionne aka Hovatron. A Lowrider invite, working here on some mixes, to be released later this year for the Lowriders rec label.
Here he's using the (AS) concussor, arp 2500, korg and a sequencer in a cv chain. Big Fun.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer and cooking in studio

Last week saw ben butler & mousepad quietly sweating away in the studio and cooling of rehearsing their set for 2 live gigs in the venue.


Here's a track that was fully recorded with the arp2600, ms20 and vcs3!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Meanwhile the Studio Crew Worked on Location

.....and produced a live horspil, below what the pr of the poetry international thought it was about... 

Gardensensibilities - hoorspel Ursula Andkjær Olsen & WORM

met Henk Bakker, Nina Hitz en Lukas Simonis

Sinds vijf jaar maakt en curateert WORM hoorspelen die het midden houden tussen het Stockhauseriaanse Hörspil en het piepende deuren/grindpad/fiktieve Doorsneehoorspel
WORM's huidige hoorspelreeks brengt steeds een geluidskunstenaar samen met een dichter. Verborgen agenda: het botsen of versmelten van geluids- en taalabstracties. Via Poetry International werd het contact met de Deense dichteres Ursula Andkjær Olsen gelegd. Haar tekst Gardensensibilities is de basis voor een live-hoorspel waarbij zij zelf een van de stemmen speelt. De WORMRADIOcrew - bestaande uit Lukas Simonis, Henk Bakker en Nina Hitz, Yuko Uesu - maakte bij de tekst een muziekachtig stuk dat behalve decor en sfeer ook personage is en zich als een beminnelijke natuurramp gedraagt. Sierbestrating, tuinhout, meubilair: Gardensensibilities voorziet in al uw wensen in en om de tuin. Voor particulier én hovenier.


Worm’s Geluidswerkplaats invited Carl Michael von Hausswolff and Leif Elggren to do a residency and we asked them specifically to work on a live-performance and not only work in our electronic studio but to see the whole WORM building as their playfield.  They suggested that the project takes its starting point in the Kingdoms of Elgaland-Vargaland and what they would do during the week and during the performance would orbitate around that concept. And we said; yes please.

The reason we ask those two gentlemen is because –very simple- we like their work a lot, also because they don’t seem to linger around 1 certain subject and safely stay there, but they go forward in all kinds of directions –electronic music, drones, electronic voice phonomena, radio art, absurd performances, conceptual stuff, a virtual but-not-so-virtual kingdom...

They present on saturday 19th the result of their work at WORM.

June Guests 1: Knut and Sarah

Last weeks guests play an important role in the european free and independent radio scene, with many interesting projects for you to check out.

(Mobile Radio is the travelling radio and sound art project of Sarah Washington and Knut Aufermann. Our aim is to take radio production to places outside of the studio environment. Have a look at our broadcast itinerary where you can listen to excerpts of the shows we have produced so far. Photograph and text documentation of our past activities are also available for you to view.)

In the WORMstudio they concentrated on sound mining, to be used in various products- of the arp 2500 and the EMS Putney. We will hear from them in future days no doubt the result of their exploratory work.