Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Join our field-recording workshop about the practical and artistic ways of field recordings and how to apply them into a soundwork.
With Derek Holzer and Justin Bennet and the WORMstudio team

 The starting point is to create a field recording soundpiece¹.

Participants, maximum 12

 Participation, ¤ 50, - (including studio time)
To be payed at the first meeting. (December 1)
 Student art academies; ¤ 35, --
 Location WORM, Achterhaven 148
 W; lukas@wormweb.nl (subject, 'Field workshop')

Basic knowledge of recording and editing is required. But you don¹t need to be an expert and the WORM crew can always help you.
The project happens in a 3-weeks timespan. The majority of the work is self-efficacy of the participants, so you can spend as much time as you find necessary.

Studio Use. Each participant will receive at least a half-day studio use with light support. Possible; filtering or editing of material, possibly adding electronic elements, etc.

Tuesday December 1st 20:00 - 2200u WORM STUDIO; Introduction Derek Holzer. About field recording, the concepts that are involved there, opportunities, how & where to start, etc.

Tuesday December 8 20:00 - 2200u WORM STUDIO, A practical session by Simonis and HS Bakker (worm-studio crew). For people who have no equipment we outline the possible uses of worm-gear or what equipment is adequate and cheap to buy, etc. Furthermore, a listening of material allready made by the workshop members last week and any criticism or comment thereon. And a brief explanation about filtering or editing materials, and possibly adding electronic elements.

Friday, December 18 WORM, 1800u - 2130u WORM
In the (late) noon and while enjoying a afhaal¹roti (-which is not included in the workshop price), the listening of the pieces together with Justin Bennett as late coach of the project, including issues; Live presentation, eavesdropping / quadrofonie, Remix.

 In the evening (2030u), Presentation at RIDERS ON THE WORM. The pieces are presented by Justin & makers during a live event at WORM.

 When enough material comes out of the workshop, RADIO WORM-special is made about the whole project (and broadcasted on 20 different radio stations).

 Holzer; http://www.soundtransit.nl
Nice Price for Justin Bennett! http://www.denhaag.nl/home/bewoners/to/Ouborgprijs-naar-Justin-Bennett.htm
Justin Bennett himself; http://www.bmbcon.demon.nl/justin/
Field; http://www.phonography.org/
Bakker; http://www.hekvibes.com/
And of course, http://wormstudio.blogspot.com/
Simonis:  http://www.xs4all.nl/~lukas/

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